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To register - This is course online & in Person weekly session. 

 Have you ever wanted to truly understand the life of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ?

Join our Seerah Course starting Thursday, 16th January at 6:30 PM (UK Time).

Learn how His ﷺ teachings can guide your life today, step by step.

25 lessons | Approx 1 hour a week | £60 for the full course.

Live & recorded sessions.

In person and online

The Seerah Of Our Prophet Muhammad ﷺ (New Course!)

Join us on Thursday 16th Jan at 6.30pm for this transformative programme with Maulana Asim Ayub. 

The life of The Prophet Muhammed ‎ﷺ is a perfect guide for every role we fulfil - whether as a spouse, parent, teacher or leader. His ‎ﷺ example offers lessons to enhance our character, strengthen relationships, and navigate life‘s challenges with excellence and integrity.

This is your opportunity to dive deep into the Seerah and connect with the life of The Greatest Man to walk the Earth. 

The course has 2 parts to it, the first term being the Makkan period and the second term about the Madinah period.

Once you’ve registered, keep an eye out on your emails, as we’ll be sending more details about the course directly to your inbox in the coming days.

Event Information

Event Date 16-Jan-2025 18:30
Registration End Date/Time 15-Jan-2026
Capacity 20
Registered 6
Available Place 14
Individual Price 60